University Senate - November 7, 2022 Minutes

Meeting Minutes
November 7, 2022

The University Senate was called to order at 3:30 p.m., in 111 Harrison Hall on Monday, November 07, 2022. Members absent: Kenya Ash, Durrell Callier, Eli Davies, Steven Elliot, Dan Gladish, Chip Hahn,  Kennedy Hughes, Martin Johnson, Amitoj Kaur, Kevin Messner, Murali Paranandi, Danielle Stein, Scott Walter, Cheryl Young

  1. Call to Order and Welcome
    1. Announcements and Remarks by the Chair of University Senate Executive Committee, Thomas Poetter
      1. The lottery is really big.
      2. Election is tomorrow, please go vote.
      3. Recruiting events are happening and the students that we have met have been really engaging.
  2. Approval of University Senate Minutes
    1. A friendly amendment was accepted to clarify the minutes regarding a senator question from October 10, 2022. 
    2. A motion was received, seconded, and carried to approve the amended October 10, 2022 minutes of the University Senate.  (48- Yes, 0-No, 0-Abstain)
  3. Consent Calendar -- The following items were received and accepted on the Consent Calendar:
    1. Curricular Items_10.24.22 
    2. Curricular Items_11.07.22 
    3. Student Life Council Meeting Minutes_04.13.2022 
    4. LEC Meeting Minutes_10.04.2022  
    5. LEC Meeting Minutes_10.11.2022 
    6. LEC Meeting Minutes_10.25.2022 
    7. Grad Council Curriculum Only Meeting _10.11.2022 
    8. Grad Council Minutes_10.25.2022
  4. Old Business
    1. SR 23-02 Proposal to Change the Senate Bylaws with respect to the Function of Graduate Council -  Amity Noltemeyer, Associate Dean, Graduate School  (48- Yes, 0-No, 0-Abstain) 
  5. New Business
    1. Degree proposal CSE - Cybersecurity, Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity –Eric Bachmann, Professor and Chair, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering  and Scott Campbell, Senior Director of Technology and Instructor. 
      1. Presentation Only: Discussion and Anticipated Vote on November 21, 2022
      2. Goals include:
        1. Increase the number of cybersecurity analysts in the state of Ohio and the nation. 
        2. Increase enrollment in Computer Science Department/ University
      3. High Demand, starting with the Undergraduate Program and eventual online professional masters. 
      4. Similar Programs are found at Cedarville, University of Cincinnati, Wright State, University of Dayton, Ohio University, but demand is quite high.We have local programs in Information and Cybersecurity Management -> ISA department (FSB) and CIT Offers Cybersecurity Administration Minor
      5. BS in Cybersecurity includes 10 new cybersecurity specific courses
      6. Supported by a total of $3.5M over 5 years in Boldly Creative Funding
      7. Certificates and Certifications might be possible after year 2; curriculum not built to pass the tests, but this is possible for students. We will be going for some prestigious certifications for the program as well; requires two cohorts of graduates before application will work with Cedarville in a collaborative relationship.
      8. Senate Senator Questions and Comments 
        1. Is there accreditation? A: ABET ACM Accreditation 
        2. Ethical training availability for students? A: They have 2 courses and sign contracts regarding Ethics. 
    2. Proposal to Change the Natural Science Requirements in the Miami Plan; Liz Mullenix, Chair of University Senate & Interim Provost 
      1. Presentation Only: Discussion and Anticipated Vote on November 21, 2022
      2. Proposed Change: The new Miami Plan which will begin in fall 2023 currently has this requirement relating to the Science Perspectives category: Students complete at least six credits of natural science courses with at least one course being a laboratory course.  At least three of the six credits must be from the biological sciences, and at least three of the six credits must come from the physical sciences.
      3. We are proposing that the requirement be revised to read as follows:  Students must complete at least 6 credits of natural science including at least one laboratory course.  Natural science courses may include courses from the biological and/or physical sciences.
      4. Rationale
        1. Miami is the only 4-year public institution in Ohio that distinguishes between the BIO/PHYS sciences in its general education program.  Peer institutions such as Binghamton University or Colgate also do not distinguish between the sciences. All of these institutions feature these two emphases: (1) exposing students to laboratory sciences; and (2) cultivating an understanding of the impacts, roles and uses of science in the broader world.
        2. Some may contend that the reason for the current requirement to take both biological and physical science is that their methodologies are disparate.  However, the same reasoning could be made in relation to the social sciences where we do not differentiate.
        3. Providing students more options to meet this requirement may enable them to complete the requirement in a more timely manner and thus graduate on time.  It also enables students to have the opportunity to follow their natural interests in science, or build upon AP credits, rather than artificially being forced to take courses from different science categories. 
        4. The change enables degree programs with substantive technical requirements to have fewer credits. According to the National Student Clearinghouse, time to degree is one of the most important factors in promoting student success.
        5. Both the Director of the Office of Liberal Education and the Interim Provost spoke with science chairs to hear their feedback and consider their concerns.
    3. Curriculum Proposal for MUS-Music Composition, Bachelor of Music, Chris Tanner, Chair and Professor of Music Presentation Only: Discussion and Anticipated Vote on November 21, 2022 
      1. Current Program: BM in Music Composition
      2. Proposed degree program: BM in Music Composition [NOTE: we will simultaneously delete the Composition concentration from the BM Performance degree.]
        1. The proposed curriculum is practically identical to the current curriculum. The only change regards the music ensemble requirement (updated; offers more choice).
        2. Enrollment is currently 20 majors, which was our goal in implementing this program in 2016.
      3. Rationale for change: Accreditation review (NASM) Spring 2022: we do not meet the standard that “program titles should be consistent with content.”
      4. Senate Senator Questions and Comments
        1. Senator commented that change will be really great and to allow students that flexibility.
        2. 20 majors in this, how many do we have in this degree? A:Department has about 200 majors total.
        3. How many courses do they take in the major? A: Over 80 credit hours in music. Music is highly complex with many full time faculty and many part time faculty. This is common in music across the country.
    4. Proposal for Graduate Summer Fellowship Policy, Amity Noltemeyer, Associate Dean of the Graduate School – Presentation Only: Discussion and Anticipated Vote on November 21, 2022
      1. Grad Students who entered prior to fall 2020, GAs were all granted, based on Summer Registration Requirements: 3-12 Credit hours an  award: $1800 (if GA for 2 Semesters) or $900 (if GA for 1 Semester)
      2. We were unable to sustain that funding and put into place a Graduate Summer Fellowship for anyone admitted after Fall 2020. This does not require Summer Registration Requirements, stipend is lower, and these are competitive, not automatic. We’ve been able to fund everyone up until now, but that isn’t always going to be the case (up to 300/year). This past year we were short (approx 400 eligible).
      3. Rationale for change
        1. Be more clear about who does - and does not - qualify
        2. Clean up unclear or contradictory language, particularly around the tuition waiver
        3. Improve selection and processing of Graduate Summer Research Fellowship
      4. We’ve consulted with a variety of groups including Grad Ed Forum & Grad Council. This draft was approved by Graduate Council and COAD
      5. Key differences: Added application process; Specified student must be in research program; Explicitly separated tuition waiver; Specified selection criteria if not all can be funded; and Clarified timelines.
      6. Possible Friendly Amendment?Dr. Noltemeyer indicated that they would be open to the following friendly amendment: “Students must not be receiving additional Miami University funded support during the six-week summer fellowship period, from the following sources” This amendment has not yet been requested.
      7. This would go into effect summer 2024, but we’d like to pilot an application process upon approval for spring 2023.
      8. Senate Senator Questions and Comments for the Proposal for Graduate Summer Fellowship Policy:
        1. Is it correct to say that students who don’t have access to a tuition waiver aren’t disadvantaged in receiving the fellowship; because they can just sign up for zero hours and not be charged? A: Yes
        2. If there isn’t funding for everyone who is eligible, will the graduate school determine it proportionally by departments? A: We want to make sure it is equitable across programs and we are happy to take feedback on this during implementation. 
        3. If faculty can support students on grants, could this disadvantage a department if they don’t put forward all students? A: Let us know who is eligible that isn’t pursuing funding. Departments shouldn't’t be penalized for funding their own students.
        4. Why the A/B division? Why don’t we have more inclusive language for departments who aren’t thesis granting? All programs with a significant research component. A: We aren’t sure why this language was included and are open to thinking about it offline.
        5. How can we reflect this in departmental criteria? A: We can work with you. Follow up in 2 weeks.
    5. Proposal for Graduate Academic Integrity Policy Revision, Amity Noltemeyer, Associate Dean of the Graduate School Presentation Only: Discussion and Anticipated Vote on November 21, 2022
      1. Rationale: Align graduate policy/procedure to the undergraduate policy/procedure and Separate and align graduate policy/procedure to the Misconduct in Research policy. 
      2. We did solicit feedback from a workgroup, this draft approved by the Grad Council and COAD.
      3. Key Differences between current and revised graduate policy
        1. Procedural review added
        2. Removed Research misconduct section and replaced with a narrative comparison.
        3. Updated language to be current and gender neutral
        4. Statement sent to both home department and department of offense
        5. Updated Definitions
      4. Key Differences between revised policy and undergraduate policy
        1. Oral/comprehensive/qualifying exams, theses, dissertations aren’t relevant to undergraduates
        2. Section on relationship with misconduct in research
        3. Sanctions section – if it goes to a hearing, the graduate dean will make the final decision.
      5. No Senator Questions or Comments
  6. Special Report -- Sustainability
    1. Miami University FY22 Sustainability Accomplishments and Next Steps - Suzanne Zazycki
      1. Received Gold Stars rating. Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and rating systems (STARS) which is a Transparent, self-reporting framework for Higher Education Institutions (HEI)
        1. Presentation has a link to show MIami's 2022 STARS Report
        2. Suzanne shared there is some interest in seeing what might need to happen to achieve platinum status.
      2. Continued to Reduce Greenhouse GAS (GHG) Emissions
        1. Metric Ton CO2e is down 4% from the 2019 to 2022 Fiscal Year (2019 is the new baseline, but we aren't new to the game.)
        2. Total Energy-based Emissions (MTCO2e) has reduced 46% from 2008-2019 Fiscal Year
          1. Sustainability Dashboard Link is provided in Presentation
          2. Purpose:  Demonstrate that this has been a long-term commitment to decarbonization of campus, and MU has already achieved considerable success, Utility Master Plan
        3. We are no longer talking just about energy. You’ll hear more about scopes–sources for emissions. Fleet, purchased electricity, and commuting/air travel. The last will require significant conversation.
        4. Adopted University -Wide Sustainability Pillars
          1. Pillar 1 = Equitable and Sustainable Infrastructure
          2. Pillar 2 = Promoting Sustainable Behavior and Culture
          3. Pillar 3 =  Responsible Resource Management
          4. Achieving Carbon Neutrality will require University-Wide collective action
          5. Pillars will help University leaders institutionalize sustainability. In order for “all to be part of the solution” - pillars will help institutionalize sustainability by providing common “foundation” for University leaders to organize/communicate collective action
        5. Continued Climate Action Planning and Reporting
          1. In 2020, President Crawford Signed Presidents’ Climate Leadership Commitment and Formed Climate Action Task Force
          2. In 2021 - 2022 they Submitted GHG Inventory, Initiated Resilience Assessment and Initiated Carbon Neutrality Planning
          3. 2023 GHG Inventory and Resilience Assessment Due
          4. In 2024 Climate Action Plan Due Includes Carbon Neutrality Target Date and Resilience Plan
          5. Purpose: Introduce PCLC to those not familiar and Indicate that this collective action will be needed to achieve Carbon Neutrality; Also demonstrate what is to come - so they are seeing how soon the plans will be rolled out.
        6. Next STep -- 2022-2023 Priorities
          1. Sustainability Committee--Gap Analysis for achieving STARS Platinum in 2025
          2. Climate Action Task Force--Resilience Assessment and DRaft Climate Action Plan
          3. Physical Facilities Department--Continue decarbonization of energy systems
          4. Institutionalize Sustainability Pillars for collective action Universitywide
        7. Need for Collective Action
          1. Sustainability Committee will look at how to expand and track all Miami Plan 2023 sustainability course offerings (Climate Action Task Force will be Seeking leaders for Curriculum Subcommittee and Data Analytics (Contact Jonathan Levy =
          2. Physical Facilities Department: Dr. Zazycki  recommends that you familiarize yourself with energy systems transformation and GHG reductions
          3. University-wide: we need to consider positions in your departments where elements of sustainability can be embedded Universitywide
        8. UCM has made some changes to Susan Meikle’s position to pull sustainability more central into our communications.
          1. Senate Senator Questions and Comments
            1. Senator is happy to see the progress and change that has taken place in the last decade. Where are food supply chains factored in? A: It’s important, but doesn’t factor in here. Aramark has its own initiatives here, which is great.Given contractors, they are individually packing your hamburgers. This could be problematic. ASG has a subcommittee and they are pushing our focus on food. We know this is a high priority.
            2. A senator asked about composting. A: ASG is pursuing this. It’s part of some sustainability and STARS rating, but it’s been intermittent commitment related to external contacts and systems. We need some consistent attention.
            3. A senator asked about using our influence regionally to get public transportation. A: There is some collaboration between the city, university and BRCTA. A subcommittee was looking at it. There’s a lot of conversation about it and the lack of mass transit.
            4. Can we “third party” everything out? A: All of those providers are included if we did a robust analysis. But, we’re only required to evaluate scope 1 and scope 2.  When it comes to carbon neutrality we will technically be able to achieve it without counting it beyond air travel and commuting. Whether the football team travels via commercial jet or our own plane, it counts the same. However, food that comes in on trucks is separate and spring break trips.
  7. Provost Update -- Provost Liz Mullenix, Chair of University Senate
    1. Encourage us to attend University events celebrating our relationship with the Miami Tribe. There’s a BoT workshop this week on helping understand the state subsidy. More on this later.
    2. Senate Senator Questions and Comments 
      1.  Regarding faculty advisory council, what’s involved in the decision to appoint rather than elect? To what degree is this dependent on the will of the current provost? A: This is about Liz wanting more feedback during her interim year . This is based on something we had in the College of Creative Arts. We took nominations and recommendations from Deans, but if this goes on we could absolutely have an election process. We were hoping for divisional and faculty representation across types and time here at Miami. Open to suggestions on how it might continue and how we might make recommendations to the next provost. She will also be interacting more with UPAC and CPAC.
      2. Regarding rumors that a student died. Is the university community going to get communication about that? A: Yes. It went out. The family has asked for privacy. Faculty who had that student were informed. There is counseling available for anyone who needs it.
  8. Adjournment

The Next Meeting of University Senate is scheduled for November 21, 2022, 3:30 p.m., 111 Harrison Hall