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Student Resources and Opportunities

Study Abroad and Away

Over-the-Rhine Fall Residency, Cincinnati (ARC)

The Over-the-Rhine Residency Program is open to all majors and provides the unique opportunity to participate in a for-credit, semester-long residential immersion program in the Over-the-Rhine Community.

Digital Innovation Centers, Luxembourg, San Francisco, and Cincinnati (ETBD)

A student at any of the Innovation Centers spends four days a week in a co-op role; this can occur with an established tech firm or with one of the most dynamic startups in the world.  One day each week students go behind the scenes for private sessions with principals from startups, accelerators, and the world of venture funding.  Students contribute to the thriving startup cultures in their respective locales, even as they build professional networks that can persist throughout their careers.

Germany: The Rosenheim Exchange Program

This exchange program is located in Rosenheim, southeast of Munich. Students get the chance to study a full semester in Rosenheim in studios of interior design, architecture, visual communications, design theory, product design and more.

College of Creative Arts

The arts at Miami University didn't evolve on a whim—they were challenged, inspired, modernized, and made more relevant by each new generation of artists. Welcome to the College of Creative Arts, with degree programs that range from the classical to the contemporary.