
CSE 601 Class helps prepare students for their future success

As students prepare to graduate and plan for their future, the classes they take at Miami help shape their future decisions. Such a class is CSE 601, Computer Science Research Methods.

This course “aims to prepare graduate students to conduct research including the presentation of research to the community,” explained Eric Rapos, assistant professor in the computer science and software engineering department. Students are able to craft their technical skills and learn the importance of soft skills like presentations and public speaking.

CSE 601 Class Photo

CSE 601 Class Photo                                                      

One of the many unique class topics they cover is professional dress and were able to apply their knowledge by dressing up for class to get their headshots taken. This is just one of the many preparative topics that this class highlights for its students.

The course is tailored to graduate-level Computer Science students, helping them prepare for their masters’ thesis project. Beyond that, graduate students are able to learn more about publishing and conferences.

Students who take this course emphasize the impactful nature of this course. “[He] had found the course to be a great platform for improving [his] written communication skills;” stated Chris Anderson, a computer science graduate student. “While I do not intend to pursue a career in academia, several skills, like leading and managing discussions, are still useful in industry.”

Classes at Miami help prepare our students for their future success and career. We cannot wait to see the success that comes for the students in CSE 601!

By Maggie Cavanaugh, CEC Communications Reporter