
Family of David Shrider establishes study abroad scholarship in his name

David Shrider in China on a winter day

The family of Farmer School finance professor David Shrider has established the David G. Shrider Memorial Study Abroad Scholarship in his memory. Shrider passed away while hiking in Alaska last month.

The scholarship shall be awarded to a student athlete, with preference to a Farmer School of Business student, to study abroad on one of the Farmer School- or Miami University-sponsored study abroad programs.  If in the event there is not a student eligible for the study abroad scholarship in any given year, the funds shall be used by the Miami Athletic Department to support a student athlete for their supplemental education.

Those wishing to contribute to the scholarship may do so via:

  • Online:
  • Check: Payable to Miami University and write in the memo field "David G. Shrider Memorial Study Abroad Scholarship 6106-001" Mail to: Miami University / Farmer School of Business / Attention Kirk Bogard / 800 East High St, ste 3075 / Oxford OH 45056

Questions regarding the scholarship fund should be directed to Kirk Bogard, Associate Vice President for External Relations and Development for the Farmer School of Business at 513-529-4221 or