
Howe Center Receives Three National Awards for Outstanding Writing Scholarship and Program Development

The Howe Center for Writing Excellence takes Miami's dedication to writing success to a national level by earning three awards in 2022 alone.

2022 saw the Roger & Joyce Howe Center for Writing Excellence receive three national awards for outstanding writing scholarship and program development. The awards are notable in that they exemplify the influence that the Howe Center for Writing Excellence has had on writing across the curriculum, writing centers, and the changing perceptions of writing instruction in higher education.

The awards are as follows:

The Association for Writing Across the Curriculum (AWAC)

The Conference on College Composition and Communication

The Council of Writing Program Administrators (CWPA)

These awards showcase the Howe Center’s ongoing dedication to excellence in the research and development of programming in Writing Across the Curriculum, as well as its commitment to deep change in the discipline.

Elizabeth Wardle, Director of the Howe Center for Writing Excellence, understands the importance of these awards and what they mean for the Howe Center’s national presence in the research community. “I regularly quote JFK, who once said ‘To those to whom much is given, much is expected,’” she said. “With a $15 million endowment that is unmatched anywhere in the country, we understand that we can't just be good, we have to be exceptional.”

Wardle went on to praise the faculty and staff at Miami University, as well as the students, staff and graduate assistants of the Howe Center for Writing Excellence, as innovative and dedicated teachers and learners.

“These awards affirm that our work is being recognized,” Wardle said, “and we hope that this will open new doors for national collaborations with other institutions.”