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Reporting and Addressing Illegal Activity and Misconduct
This policy directs employees and students to report unethical and/or illegal conduct; identifies the office to which such reports should be made; establishes an anonymous reporting system; and protects those who report from retaliation. The policy also requires all employees and students to cooperate truthfully in a University investigation.
Ethics and External Services
This policy requires all full-time faculty and unclassified administrative staff members to complete the Annual Ethics and External Service Disclosure form even if no external services (including compensated and non-compensated activities) are anticipated. It also requires employees to obtain, on an annual basis, prior permission to perform external services and limits the amount of time that may be devoted to external services.
Conflicts of Interest/Commitment
This policy establishes the standards of ethical conduct for employees based on the Ethics Laws of the State of Ohio. The policy also defines conflict of interest and conflict of commitment and designates the General Counsel as the Chief Ethics Officer. Questions on matters involving sponsored research conflicts of interest, should be directed to the Associate Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate School.
Political Activity
This policy governs the political activities of employees. University employees have the right to participate in political activity, which is defined as running for elective public office, serving as a political party official, or serving in an official capacity on a campaign committee for a candidate or issue.
Relationship Between the University and Employee Elected or Appointed to Public Office
This policy governs those employees who are elected or appointed to a public office and requires the employee to notify the appropriate vice president upon their election or appointment.
Employment of Members of the Same Family
This policy governs the ethical constraints for employing members of the same family and prohibits family members from engaging in certain employment related activities with respect to family members seeking to become or who are employed by the University.
Reporting Romantic and Sexual Relationships in the Supervisory Setting
This policy prohibits employees and graduate students from exercising supervisory or academic authority or other University responsibility or authority over persons with whom they have a romantic or sexual relationship. Academic authority includes assigning grades, serving as an academic adviser, sitting on a thesis or dissertation committee, or otherwise exercising decision-making power that affects an academic record, academic benefits, or progress toward graduation.