
Meet the 2023 SOUL Team

2023 SOUL Team. Headshots for a diverse group of 22 students.

The halls are empty. The traffic is minimal. The graduation confetti has been largely washed off the seal. Campus is quiet. But while most students have left campus for the summer, the student orientation undergraduate leader (SOUL) team is just gearing up to welcome the incoming class of 2027 through the fall semester orientation process.

SOULs are the informed, resouceful peer guides who welcome and assist our newest Miamians. They help facilitate orientation for incoming students and their families throughout the summer and the fall semester.

SOULs serve an active role during on-campus orientation programs in May and June. Their mission? To promote a sense of belonging and community among new students, provide mentorship to the class of 2027, and offer essential resources and information that will aid in a smooth transition to college life.

Among the 25 SOULs selected this year is AnnaGrace Harris, who is thrilled about the opportunity to welcome incoming students. "I'm most excited for the opportunities to meet new students and families at orientation," said Harris. "I hope I can establish a SOULful relationship with every student I meet and provide an encouraging environment."

SOUL candidates are selected to represent the student body and help new students transition to college. Many SOULs apply for the position to gain leadership and work experience and grow personally and professionally through working with a diverse team of peers and mentors.

Harris is not alone in anticipation for this year's orientation programs. “I’m eager for new students and their families to interact with this year’s SOUL team and experience,” added Liz Walsh, director of orientation and transition programs. “The team is compassionate, motivated, thoughtful, and eager to support new students in making the most of their Miami experience.”

While many staff and faculty members across the campus provide knowledge and information to the newest Miamians, the SOULs bring a personal touch by sharing their own stories. By incorporating their own experiences, the SOULs can put the information into perspective for new students.

“Having the opportunity to share snippets of my own Miami experience is something I truly value, and I hope my stories can help make Miami feel less abstract and more like a place that can be called home,” said Harris.

With the SOUL team's dedication and the collaborative efforts of staff, faculty, and students, the orientation process will be an enriching and memorable experience for all involved.

Meet the 2023 SOULs