Learning Outcomes - 300 Level Classes

These courses are narrower in one or more of the geographical, chronological, and thematic approaches of a 200-level course.  They meet the learning outcomes listed below.

  1. Analyze multiple forms of primary evidence and begin to draw inferences from them that speak to a particular historical problem or question.
  2. Further refine the examination of other societies in a global context and to look at one's own society in the context of other societies.  Students have to take two courses in global perspectives at the 300- or 400-level.
  3. Produce an historical argument.  Identify and analyze historiographical debates and demonstrate the capacity to deal with differences in interpretation.
  4. Begin to construct historical essays.  Students will recognize the historicity of ideas and categories such as nation-making, geographical categories, social categories; and the multiple special and temporal contexts of history.

Suggestions for written assignments:  whether blue book exams, papers, or take-home exams, 300-level course assignments should ask students to ask their own historical question out of the course materials.  Example:  Write an interpretive essay about the nature of the early Muscovite state and empire that uses St. Basil's Cathedral, the Blessed is the Host of the Heavenly Tsar icon, and Kurbsky's letters to Ivan IV.  You should pose an historical question, make an historical argument, and answer your question by placing these primary sources into historical context.  To accomplish these tasks, you are required to engage with the arguments and interpretations offered by Geoffrey Hosking, Michael Cherniavsky, and/or Richard Wortman.

Suggestions for implementing these outcomes:  Assignments typically require students to craft their own historical questions and provide their own arguments based on primary evidence.  Students are also typically required to integrate primary sources and historiographical debates by using primary sources to engage in ongoing historiographical debates.  By the 300-level, these assignments should demonstrate that students have begun to employ good research skills and good information literacy skills.