Candidate Selection

No academic department, dean, or administrative department has appointment (hiring) authority and may not make any offers of employment. Only the President and Provost have appointing authority. For academic departments, a letter of offer may be sent to the candidate by Academic Personnel Services only after approval by the Provost. For administrative departments, a letter of offer may only be sent to the candidate by the appropriate Personnel Office after all require approvals have been obtained.

Faculty and Unclassified Positions within Academic Affairs

Insert information here

All Other Unclassified Positions

Once the OEEO receives the recommendation in PageUp, the following items will be reviewed:

  • The recommended candidate meets the minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting;
  • The “Indicate Reason for Recommending this Candidate” field includes a job-related and objective rationale.
    • This field should never include non-job-related or subjective statements, such as “best fit,” “great personality,” “good candidate,” etc.
  • The recommended salary is within the approved salary range or has been previously approved by the appropriate Personnel Office and the OEEO.