Academic Integrity Process for Instructors

Academic Integrity Process for Instructors

This document outlines what an instructor can expect once they report a suspected case of academic dishonesty and their role in the process.

If an instructor has any questions about reporting a case, the process and their role, or the information below, please contact Brenda Quaye.

Report a case using the online reporting form

  • Include as much information and detail as possible (see the faculty guide).
  • The student will receive all information submitted.
    • If there is any information that students should not receive electronically (e.g., an exam, exam key), please indicate that in the report.
    • If there are student witnesses, please let the student witnesses know that their names will be known to the reported student.
  • Instructors may notify students that a report has been submitted.

Once a case has been reported:

  • The online form is submitted to the academic integrity staff
  • Typically, the academic integrity staff will process a case within a few days of it being submitted.
    • At the end of the semester, it may take several weeks for the staff to process cases due to the high volume of cases and university break.
  • The staff member assigned to the case will contact the instructor with any questions or request for additional information and to discuss the appropriate sanctions to propose (may be by email or phone)
    • Some departments/divisions have standard proposed sanctions that will be used in the process.
  • The student will be notified of the report. 
    • The instructor and department chair/designee are copied on the notification.
    • The notification letter will set a date and time for the student to meet with the academic integrity staff member for the Procedural Review (PR) meeting.
      • The PR is a one-on-one meeting between the student and the academic integrity staff member (the student may choose to bring a support person with them). Instructors do not attend the PR.
      • The academic integrity staff member DOES NOT make decisions in cases, and the PR is NOT a hearing.
      • In some cases, the academic integrity staff member will contact the instructor after the PR to further discuss the situation and let the instructor know what the student or students said or if the instructor has requested a follow-up conversation. 
        1. A follow-up conversation may happen if there are multiple people involved in a case and/or the PR serves as a means to gather information.

The student attends the Procedural Review meeting

  • In the PR, the academic integrity staff member will review the materials in the case and what happened with the assignment(s) in question, explain the reason for the report, go over the academic integrity policy and process, talk about big-picture issues and the underlying issues involved in the situation, and talk with the student about the options they have to resolve a case.
  • Students either can choose to accept responsibility and the proposed sanctions or go to a hearing. Students have 2 class days to make a decision after their meeting.
    • Student accepts responsibility
      • If a student accepts responsibility, the academic integrity staff member will send out a final letter stating the resolution and sanctions. The instructor and department chair are copied on the letter. 
      • The academic integrity staff member will follow-up with the instructor to let them know the case is resolved and that the assignment/course grade can be updated to reflect the sanction.
    • Student chooses to have a hearing
      • Hearings are conducted by the department chair (or designee) serving as the hearing officer. Instructors must attend the hearing.
      • The academic integrity staff member will contact the instructor and chair to let them know the student requested a hearing. The message will include any pertinent information from the PR, the file, and the student’s schedule. 
        • The department chair finds a time for the hearing that works for all involved.
        • The department chair notifies the academic integrity staff member of the date, time, and location (modality) for the hearing.
        • The academic integrity staff member sends the notification to the student with the hearing information. If the hearing is being held virtually, the department chair sends a virtual meeting link.
        • Academic integrity staff members do not attend hearings.
      • The hearing occurs
        • Students are assumed to be NOT responsible 
        • The hearing officer will run the hearing.
        • The instructor will have the opportunity to explain the reason for suspecting academic dishonesty and will answer any questions from the hearing officer or student about the report, assignment, or evidence.
        • The student will have the opportunity to provide a statement about the situation, provide evidence and/or witnesses on their behalf, and to ask questions.
        • The hearing officer will ask questions of all parties involved to gather all of the information related to the situation. 
        • The hearing officer will determine if there is enough evidence to find a student responsible for violating the academic integrity policy. The hearing officer likely will not make this decision during the hearing.
        • If the student is found responsible, the hearing officer may confer with the instructor about the sanction(s) to impose, if considering sanctions different from what was proposed in the PR.
        • The hearing officer notifies the academic integrity staff member of the decision and rationale.
        • The academic integrity staff member notifies the student of the decision, copying the instructor and hearing officer.

Once the student is notified of the decision:

  • If the student is found Not Responsible, the instructor should update the assignment/final grade to reflect the grade earned on the assignment/in the class.
  • If the student is found Responsible,
    • The student has 5 class days to submit an appeal.
      • The instructor should wait to update a grade until they hear from the academic integrity staff member about whether a student submits an appeal.
      • If the student does not appeal, the academic integrity staff member will follow up with the instructor indicating that the case is fully resolved and the grade can be updated.
      • If a student appeals, the academic integrity staff member will let the hearing officer and instructor know of the appeal. The hearing officer has the opportunity to respond to the appeal. 
        • The Dean or designee will be forwarded the appeal, response, and case information for a decision. The instructor and hearing officer will be copied on the appeal decision letter.
        • If the appeal is denied or was based on sanction only, the academic integrity staff member will follow up with the instructor regarding the case resolution and grade change. An appeal could result in a modified sanction. 
        • If an appeal based on either New Evidence or Procedural Defect is granted, then a new hearing will be arranged with a different hearing officer. The academic integrity staff member will reach out to the instructor and appointed hearing officer to schedule a new hearing.
        • The new hearing is just that – it is a hearing on the case as if the first hearing did not occur. The original finding is set aside, and the new hearing officer makes a new finding.