Mobile Editing Systems for Luxembourg Campus

Project Title: Mobile Editing Systems for Luxembourg Campus

Project Lead: Bryan Powell


Phone: (513) 529-9926

Affiliation: Other

Faculty Sponsor: Mike Ritcher

Sponsor Email:

Project Details: Luxembourg campus would like to deploy 2 mobile systems for student use with a focus on video editing. Problem Project Attempts to Solve: The library computers for student use in Luxembourg are not utilized as they have been in the past. They would like to increase flexibility and use by utilizing loaner laptops instead of traditional desktops. Specifically, they would like Apple MacBook Pros for editing video.

Does this project focus on Graduate Studies?: No

Does it meet tech fee criteria?: Instead of tethering students to desks to do work on the Luxembourg campus, this will allow students to work out and about in the environment.

How will you assess the project?: Usage of laptops will be monitored; if successful the number of machines may be expanded.

Have you received tech fee funding in the past?: No

Software: Final Cut Pro X or Adobe Premiere CC, $500

Hardware: Apple Macbook Pro, $5,976

Total Budget: $6,476

Comments: Software would cover purchase of Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere Pro.