
Course Submissions for New Miami Plan 2023

A reminder that the new Miami Plan will be implemented in Fall 2023.  The Office of Liberal Education urges departments and programs to continue submitting new and revised courses for LEC approval. All new and revised MP courses must meet the Student Learning Outcomes and the Four Pillars of the new Plan found on the OLE website:  

Departments are strongly encouraged to consult with the Office of Liberal Education as part of curricular planning and before beginning the CIM submission process.  Any change to an existing GMP course in CIM (i.e. those approved under previous Plans) requires a full resubmission of Miami Plan elements to meet the MP 2023 criteria. The OLE has multiple resources to assist in the creation and revision of Miami Plan 2023 courses to better reflect unique curricular ecologies and strategies.  These resources include our ongoing MP Faculty Fellows Program as well as individual and group consultations.  A list of FAQs related to the new Plan can be found here: