The Petition Process

In some cases, students may take a course or courses that incorporate Miami Plan principles but have not been formally approved for the Miami Plan. These may be courses transferred from another institution, study abroad experiences, self-designed experiences, or courses taken at Miami that have not received Miami Plan designation.

Students may submit a petition to the Office of Liberal Education in order to receive Miami Plan (Perspectives Areas, Signature Inquiry, Knowledge in Action) or Global Miami Plan (pre-2023 Foundations, Capstones, or Thematic Sequence) credit. For these hours, please complete the online Petition to Modify the Miami Plan Requirements found on this page.  For Experiential Learning, Self-designed Senior Capstones, or Self-designed Thematic sequences, use the appropriate petition (see below: “What are you petitioning?”). 

All components of the proposal must be turned in before it will be reviewed by the University Director of Liberal Education. Allow 7-10 business days for reviews. A careful review of this website and the description and specific requirements of the Miami Plan that pertains to you may also be helpful in determining whether or not the course(s) you are petitioning fit the spirit of the Miami Plan.

What are you petitioning?

  • MP (after 2023) courses that can be petitioned here include Perspectives Area courses, Signature Inquiries, or Senior Capstones (not self-designed).  GMP (pre-2023) Courses that can be petitioned here include Foundation courses, Thematic Sequence course substitutions, or Senior Capstones (not self-designed). 

  • For petitions regarding Experiential Learning, please consult Experiential Learning Petitions.

  • For petitions regarding Self-Designed GMP Thematic Sequences (before 2023), please consult Designing a Thematic Sequence

  • For petitions regarding Self-Designed Senior Capstones, please consult Designing a Senior Capstone Experience.  

Petition Checklist

You must meet with an academic advisor in order to discuss and prepare your petition to modify Miami Plan requirements. These instructions are for students wishing to substitute a course (transfer or taken at Miami) in place of a course approved for either the Global Miami Plan (students who entered Miami prior to Summer 2023), or the Miami Plan (students entering Miami in Fall ‘23 or after).

If you are petitioning more than one course, you must submit a separate petition for each course. 

You must obtain the following to be uploaded as part of the proposal packet:

  1. Basic Information — Name, UniqueID, Month/Year of Graduation, email address, earned hours, major.

  2. Course Details - Indicate the course number from your Degree Audit Report (DAR) that you would like to petition. Indicate how many total hours you are petitioning for substitution in the Miami Plan. Finally, check the box for the Global Miami Plan (before 2023) category (Foundation, Thematic Sequence, Capstone), or the Miami Plan (2023 and after) category (Perspectives Area, Signature Inquiry, Capstone) you are petitioning.

    Notes on Course Numbers: Transfer courses that are not equivalent to an exact Miami course are listed on your DAR as “T” numbers (e.g. MTH T01 or HST T02). List them as such. For course substitutions in Thematic Sequences, enter the sequence number (e.g. MTH2, SOC1, etc). You must have officially declared the sequence in order to petition a modification.

  3. Statement of Explanation—Upload a statement explaining your petition request, how the course meets the Miami Plan category (i.e. Natural Sciences, Arts) and the MP Pillars of Communication & Expression and Critical & Integrative Thinking.

  4. Degree Audit Report — Upload a newly generated DAR in PDF with your proposal. Please be sure to print the detailed version of your DAR that lists which courses are meeting all Miami Plan and major/minor requirements.

  5. Contact information for your Academic Advisor—You must discuss your petition with your academic advisor and receive their approval. We will send an authorization form to your advisor after you submit the proposal. You must provide the advisor's name, department, and Miami email address.

  6. Contact information for the Lead Departmental Advisor—You must discuss your petition with the Lead Departmental Advisor (LDA) in the area of the course you are petitioning. For a GMP Thematic Sequence, the LDA of the department that houses the sequence should approve. We will send an authorization to the LDA after you submit the proposal. You must provide the advisor's name, department, and Miami email address. List of Lead Departmental Advisors.

  7. Course Syllabus — If you are petitioning any course substitution, including a “T” number transfer course, a syllabus must be attached to your petition. A catalog course description is not sufficient. The LDA must review the syllabus before supporting your petition.

All components of the proposal must be turned in before it will be reviewed by the Director of Liberal Education.

Submit your GMP (pre-2023 Bulletin Year) Petition

Submit your MP (after 2023 Bulletin Year) Petition