Jackson, Quinton, and Tyler stand on the river shore by their canoe and kayak

L to R: Quinton Couch, Jackson Gray and Tyler Brezina.

 The guys landing their canoe and kayak on shore
Quinton and Tyler carry the canoe on land
They guys carry their gear and begin setting up camp
Tyler helps Jackson wrap his injured food in a garbage bag to keep it dry
The guys talk under a camp shelter
 Bins packed full of supplies like tortillas, packages of peanut butter grackers, a whistle, garbage bags, water bottles, a sun hat, a walkie talkie, and a compass.
Canoeing gear spread out on the ground–life vests, clothes, a sleeping mat, sunblock, bug spray, paddles, an ax, sunglasses, watershoes, and more.
A view of a river from the perspective of a kayak.
 Tyler and Jackson paddling a canoe on the river.