Marketing Workflow

We require deadlines to make sure all of our Regionals clients receive the same creative process and quality work. A typical event marketing request may be handled as follows:

  • An event is established from your department/office, and the required physical event space has been reserved and confirmed through the appropriate means.
  • One representative from your department/office will be our point-of-contact. They will submit a request outlining the needs and details of the event.
  • For any design pieces, you MUST provide drafted content when submitting the form. This provides our designers content to place on posters, brochures, social media posts, etc. Events that focus around a guest speaker or performer must include press kit photos and biographies you were provided for promotional use. High-quality images will be used to promote these speakers and performers.
  • Once your Request for PR/Marketing/Design Services form is submitted, it is emailed via FormStack to our entire marketing team. Please note that while we will make every effort to accommodate your marketing needs and meet your deadline, every request is handled based on current workload.
  • Once your initial request has been made, the assigned event coordinator will reach out to establish a specific timeline for creation, review and production.
  • Our team builds production timelines utilizing a web-based software called Basecamp. You are not required to use Basecamp if you do not wish to participate but it is highly encouraged. Your project within Basecamp is where our design, social media, web and copy-editing team collaborate. Drafted designs, press releases and other files are all held within Basecamp.
  • A typical flier/poster takes one-two weeks of production time. Benchmarking against other university event marketing, concepts and event history research are a vital process in making your marketing pieces unique and successful in design. Sometimes, our designers will produce 2-3 options for the first draft, making sure you have a choice in the look and feel of your event marketing.
  • Once your point-of-contact receives the first draft of marketing material(s), you will need to respond with comments, concerns and any necessary edits in a timely manner. A delayed response from your department/office means a delay for the finalized product to arrive.
  • Finally, your final draft will be sent for publication on the web and/or sent to print. We like to allow one-two weeks for print production, which typically takes place off-campus at a local and approved vendor. Mailed pieces may take three-four weeks for print, prep, sort and mailing before they arrive in your audience’s mailboxes.
  • All costs associated with print, mailing costs, social media ad backing, video or photography production will be charged to your department/office’s Miami University account code(s). Contact our administrative assistant, Kelly McDaniel-Hayes at 513-785-3277 or by email with any questions related to billing or invoices.