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About Service+

Service+ is an AmeriCorps program hosted by the Center for Social Impact at Miami University Regionals. Continuing students from Miami University serve 450 hours as AmeriCorps members at host sites, which are premier nonprofits and government organizations in Butler County and surrounding communities. From August through May, AmeriCorps members advance the critical mission of their Service+ host site through specific capacity building activities identified and prioritized by organizational leaders.


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AmeriCorps Ohio

AmeriCorps harnesses America’s most powerful resource—the energy and talents of its citizens—to solve problems. It believes that everyone can make a difference and that everyone should try. From grade school through retirement, AmeriCorps empowers Americans, and fosters a lifetime of service. Today, there are currently partner organizations and AmeriCorps members serving across Ohio.
ServeOhio Logo


ServeOhio empowers communities to utilize AmeriCorps members and volunteers to address the frontline issues in identified priority areas. As Ohio’s Commission on Service and Volunteerism, ServeOhio collaborates and partners with nonprofit, government, and community organizations to increase the effective utilization of AmeriCorps members and community volunteers.
Americorp change agents sitting around a table working together.

Connect With Us

Hamilton Campus: Mosler Hall 105
Middletown Campus: Johnston Hall 100
Miami University Hamilton Downtown: 221 High Street, Hamilton OH 45011
513-785-3005 Request Information