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Senate News, March 9, 2020
Senators approved several consent calendar items, including curriculum, and received a report from Terri Barr, Process Coordinator for the Department of Classics consolidation. Provost Osborne presented two Sense of the Senate resolutions regarding coronavirus. Stacey Lowery Bretz presented the proposed process for Evaluating, Improving, and Prioritizing Academic Programs.
Senate News, February 24, 2020
Senators heard a report from Helaine Alessio and Suzanne Zazycki on sustainability. Senate discussed and approved a resolution to reapportion faculty senate seats for the 2020-23 Senate term. Presentations were given on a proposed revisions to Senate ByLaws, Sections 6.B and 8.A. Provost Osborne provided an update from the Board of Trustees Meeting.
Senate News, February 10, 2020
Senators approved several consent calendar items, including curriculum and received information regarding a proposal to create an Entrepreneurship department. The new Primary Education (PK-5) major was introduced and a resolution passed to approve and forward to the Board of Trustees for the February 2020 meeting. Senators engaged in discussions regarding divisional governance in breakout sessions.
Senate News, January 27, 2020
Senators approved several consent calendar items and received an update from the Senate Liaison for Governance Committee, Joe Carlin. Senators discussed and approved SR 20-08, which will allow each division to set caps for TCPL faculty. Provost Osborne provided an update on the budget reallocation as well as a proposed campus plan.
Senate News, December 2, 2019
Senators continued discussion on the TCPL percentages and heard from Carolyn Craig, Instructor, Marketing, and Dean Liz Mullenix. Senators voted that discussion will continue at the January 27, 2020, meeting. Professor Terri Barr, Marketing, presented the final recommendation for the consolidation of the Classics department. Professor John Bailer, Chair Statistics, presented the final recommendation for the partitioning of the Kinesiology and Health Department into two departments (Kinesiology and Health and Sport Leadership and Management).
Senate News, November 18, 2019
Senators continued discussion on the Ad-Hoc Committee on Composition's final report. Senators continued discussion on SR 20-04, which would allow two senators to be included on any newly formed committee as part of the Strategic Plan initiative. Provost Osborne introduced two resolutions regarding TCPL faculty. The first was to change the language of the Grandfather Clause in MUPIM 7.11. The second was to remove the cap for TCPL faculty. Discussion will continue regarding the cap limitation at the December 2, 2019, meeting.
Senate News, November 4, 2019
Presentations were given for two new majors in the Farmer School of Business. The proposed majors are a Business Analytics Major (B.S. Business) and a Business Administration Major (M.S. Business Management. Jen Green and Kate de Medeiros, Co-Chairs of the Ad-Hoc Committee on Composition, lead a discussion on the Committee's report. They will return for more discussion at a future meeting.
Senate News, October 21, 2019
Senators heard a report from Jen Green and Kate de Medeiros, Co-Chairs of the Ad-Hoc Committee on Composition. They will return for discussion on November 4, 2019. A resolution was presented to ensure Senate involvement in committees created from Strategic Plan initiatives. Associate Provost, Carolyn Haynes, spoke with Senate about an upcoming visit by Gray Associates and proposed that six senators be elected to a steering committee.
Senate News, October 7, 2019
Senators engaged in a discussion about the TCPL policy approved last spring (MUPIM 7.11), which was lead by Robin Parker, General Counsel. Senator Helaine Alessio, Chair of the Kinesiology and Health Department, discussed the rationale and proposal for the partitioning of KNH into two departments. The Arrest Reporting policy, that was returned to Senate, was discussed.