Motorized Low Power and Utility Vehicle (Golf Cart and UTV) Requirement

flowering tree
 Miami University sign
 students walking outside

General Requirements

Miami University authorizes motorized low power vehicle (golf carts) and utility vehicles to transport people and supplies to/from various campus locations. Only university approved drivers 18 years or older with a valid driver's license who have completed departmental training will be authorized to drive University owned or long-term leased low power and utility vehicles. Training must include a review of the safety and operating requirements and behind-the-wheel training with an experienced operator. Training must be documented and maintained at the departmental level. See Safety and Operating Requirements for a detailed list of safety and operating requirements for golf carts and utility vehicles. Contact the office of the Senior Vice President for Finance and Business Services by phoning 513-529-4226 or emailing to obtain a document to acknowledge receipt of training.

Drivers of rental golf carts are not required to be approved drivers but should follow all vendor driver requirements and are highly encouraged to review the Safety and Operating Requirements.

Motorized low power and utility vehicles are required to exhibit due regard for the safety of pedestrians, obey all traffic laws and abide by the Safety and Operating Requirements at all times. The speed limit for a motorized low power or utility vehicle is 5 miles per hour in congested areas and 10 miles per hour in uncongested areas. Operators shall at all times yield to pedestrians. Under normal circumstances, motorized low power and utility vehicles shall only be operated within the confines of the campus, not on city streets or state roads. When travel must be made on a city street or state road, the motorized low power and utility vehicle must travel on the shoulder and may only cross perpendicular to the road (left hand turns from a city street or state road are not permitted). Vehicles shall be parked in a way that will not interfere with a disabled person's ability to navigate the pathway, will not use a wheelchair accessible parking space or drop-off lane, and will not impede normal pedestrian flow on roadways, ramps or sidewalks.

Note: Oxford campus streets are Harris Service Drive (MacCracken Drive), Irvin Drive (Ogden Drive), McGuffey Drive, Weeb Eubank, Western Drive and Withrow Lane. Hamilton campus streets are Campus Drive and Harriers Way. Middletown campus streets are Forest Hills Drive and Miami University Middletown Road.

Accident Reporting

All accidents must be reported immediately to the supervisor of the department to which the vehicle is registered and to the office of the Senior Vice President for Finance and Business Services. Accidents which result in property damage or injury must also be reported to the Miami University Police Department on the Oxford Campus and to the local law enforcement on the regional campuses.


Prior-authorization for the purchase of all new motorized low power vehicles must be obtained from the office of the Senior Vice President for finance and Business Services. The low power vehicle must conform to the university's required safety requirements when the vehicle is intended to be used primarily to transport passengers across campus.