
Senate News, January 27, 2020

Senators approved several consent calendar items and received an update from the Senate Liaison for Governance Committee, Joe Carlin. Senators discussed and approved SR 20-08, which will allow each division to set caps for TCPL faculty. Provost Osborne provided an update on the budget reallocation as well as a proposed campus plan.

Minutes of the University Senate meeting for December 2, 2019, were approved.

Abbreviated minutes of the January 27, 2020, meeting were approved, and with this approval, the following resolution is approved:

SR 20-08

January 27, 2020

BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate endorse proposed revisions to the Miami University Policy and Information Manual (MUPIM) 7.11, Teaching, Clinical Professors and Lecturers, as set forth below

Decisions about faculty composition should be made at the divisional level and should be made in adherence to the teacher-scholar model that is central to the mission of Miami University as well as in accordance with principles of shared governance that respect both divisional and departmental goals. Faculty composition are influenced by multiple factors, including strategic goals, budgetary resources, and curricular offerings and demand.  Each dean prepares a hiring plan for their unit every fiscal year for review and approval by the Provost.  The Provost owns every vacant faculty line, and allocates them according to mutually-agreed-upon hiring plans.  Divisional hiring plans need to reflect and be responsive to budget, curricular demands, strategic priorities, and should ensure the division is within any policy constraints on faculty composition approved through appropriate processes within the division.

Limitation on Number of Teaching, Clinical Professors and Lecturers (TCPLs)

TCPLs may not exceed the following percentages of total number of full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty within each division:

CAS:  25.0%

CCA:  25.0%

EHS:  35.0%

CEC:  25.0%

FSB: 25.0%

CLAAS: 30.0%

Divisions must work within the structure of governance processes to modify this limitation and to address faculty composition more broadly.  Divisions must adhere to their faculty composition policy and the dean of the college/school must annually communicate with faculty on current and historical trends in faculty mix.  This communication should provide context including relevant budgetary resources and curricular needs.  The provost will annually update the University Senate on changes to divisional policies and faculty mix. Any changes that incur a raising of the new caps in this resolution must be approved by Senate.

Appointment to a TCPL position requires either:

  1. a competitive search; or
  2. the approval of the Provost upon the positive evaluation and recommendation of the department if required by departmental governance, the department chair, the program director (when appropriate), and dean for a person currently holding another instructional staff position at Miami University.

SR 20-08 approved by voice vote with 2 nays and 3 abstentions.