
Senate News, May 6, 2019

Senators engaged in a discussion lead by Keith Fennen, Chair, Faculty Welfare Committee, regarding continuing contracts for TCPL faculty.

The April 29, 2019 minutes were approved.

The Governance Commitee Minutes from April 19, 2019, were approved on the Consent Calendar.

With the approval of abbreviated minutes from the May 6, 2019, meeting, the following resolutions were passed:

SR 19-13

May 6, 2019

Sense-of-the-Senate Resolution

BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate supports the Faculty Plan for Non-Tenurable Full-Time faculty, which outlines duties, appointments, promotion, termination for cause, and position elimination procedures.

SR 19-13 passed by voice vote with 7 Nay and 2 Abstentions.

SR 19-15

May 6, 2019

Appointments to Standing and Advisory Committee of University Senate

BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate confirm the 2019-2020 appointments to open seats of the standing and advisory committees of University Senate; and

BE IT FURTHERMORE RESOLVED that Senate authorizes Senate Executive Committee to confirm remaining 2019-2020 appointments to the standing and advisory committees of University Senate.

SR 19-15 passed by unaminously voice vote.