Digital Innovation Center to open in Luxembourg
Miami University John E. Dolibois European Center's Chateau de Differdange. (Photo by Scott Kissell)
Miami University adds a third Digital Innovation Center to the lineup of study-away opportunities.
In addition to Digital Innovation Centers in Cincinnati and San Francisco, Miami students will be able to earn credit at the new Digital Innovation Center in Luxembourg in spring 2020.
Since 2010, the Armstrong Institute for Interactive Media Studies (AIMS) has coordinated programs and internships for students in tech and entrepreneurial businesses and communities in San Francisco. In 2014, the Ohio Means Internships and Co-Ops Grant provided a grant to launch the Cincinnati Digital Innovation Center.
The Luxembourg Digital Innovation Center is a partnership among AIMS, the Institute for Entrepreneurship and the Miami University Dolibois European Center. Students from all majors who have experience in digital marketing, interactive media studies or web application development are welcome to apply.
Students will be placed in internships four days a week with Friday visits to startups and digital companies in the region.
More information is at