Parking restricted Thursday for move-in day
Miami University welcomes the class of 2018 and their families,Thursday, Aug. 21, for move-in day. Due to the large amount of traffic traveling to campus that day, parking services will implement restricted zones to allow visitors to campus to have easy access for unloading their vehicles near residence halls.
Parking will be restricted to visitors only on this date in the following areas:
- East Cook Field
- South Cook Field
- Bachelor lot
- Western Drive
- Talawanda Road between Billings Drive and Bonham Road
- Martin lot
- Havighurst lot
- Mary Lyon lot
- Boyd lot
- Hoyt lot
- Alexander lot
- Thomson lots
- McKee lot
- Peabody (North) lot
- Maple Street
- Campus Avenue Building East Lot
- Oak Street Between Chestnut and Center Drive
- Center Drive
- Harris Drive between Harris Dining Hall and Stanton Hall
Parking control technicians will be on duty and issue violations for faculty and staff vehicles that are parked in violation of the posted restrictions. These restrictions do not impact disability parking nor reserved parking spaces.
Miami's parking garages on Campus Avenue and Withrow Lane will both be open and available from Thursday, Aug. 21, through Sunday, Aug.24, for no charge. Parking and Transportation Services encourages faculty and staff to park their vehicles in one of the remote parking lots (Ditmer or West Millett) and walk to the center of campus, or use a parking garage on Thursday, Aug. 21. BCRTA bus service will begin at 5 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 21.
Parking services apologizesfor any inconvenience this may cause, but trust that the University community understands the importance of this need to make the move-in day experience as smooth as possible for incoming students.