Classified employees' accrued sick leave eligible to convert to personal leave
By Becky Stephenson, human resources
Individuals employed as of June 20, 2015, are eligible for accrued sick leave hours to be converted to personal leave hours. Personal leave hours are determined each year at the beginning of the payroll period that includes July 1.
Effective June 20, 2015, all eligible employees will have accrued sick leave hours converted to personal leave hours in accordance with the following conversion schedule.
An employee has until June 19, 2015, to use any current personal leave hours. Any current personal leave hours that are not used by June 19, 2015, will be converted back to sick leave hours. Personal leave hours are not eligible to be paid as terminal pay in the event of resignation, retirement or death.
When using personal leave hours and recording it in Kronos, the pay code of personal leave should be in the pay code column of your time card and the number of hours used recorded in the amount column.
If you have questions, please contact the human resources office at 529-3131.
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