How well do YOU know human resources and academic personnel?
by Becky Stephenson, human resources
It's OK; have some fun testing your knowledge of human resources and academic personnel employee information. Take this short quiz. The answer key is provided. Good luck.
Human resources adds more HireTouch training workshops in the month of August
The employment, compensation and technology unit in human resources has added more training sessions for managers and supervisors. These hands-on instructor-led sessions will cover hiring actions such as creating a new position, filling a vacant position, initiating a pride award, employment recommendation or employee change request. These workshops do not qualify for job enrichment credit.
For the staff hiring workshop, you must register in TRAIN.
For the student hiring workshop, register in TRAIN
Blood drive scheduled in Oxford
Don’t forget the next faculty and staff blood drive will be held on Wednesday, July 29. The drive will be held 9 a.m.-3 p.m. in the Heritage Room in the Shriver Center. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please go to www.donortime.com. Our sponsor code is 323. You can also contact Benefits and Wellness, 529-3926, to get scheduled.
The blood drive is in cooperation with the Community Blood Center.