
10 ways to be well this fall

Hike Miami's trails

Join Benefits & Wellness for the 2015 Hike-a-thon Plus and experience Miami's natural trails.

by Cassie Wilson, Benefits & Wellness

The Miami Benefits & Wellness team is excited to celebrate 10 years of offering health and wellness programs at no cost for Miami faculty and staff.  In honor of this anniversary, here are 10 ways to be involved and be well on campuses this fall:
  1. Visit the newly renovated Phillips Hall Fitness 4 Life center. Grab a workout and leave feeling refreshed and renewed.
  2. Enjoy a variety of Fitness 4 Life workshops. From Kickboxing to Mindfulness Meditation, from Zumba to Yoga and from Indo-Row to Core 25 we have classes to add energy to your day.
  3. Know your numbers and learn how to prevent heart disease and stroke. Get a quick check of your blood pressure at a free campus blood pressure screening.
  4. Kick the habit or cut back with campus offerings of the American Lung Association’s Freedom from Smoking classes and/or the Miami Health Services Center’s Nicotine Replacement Therapy program.
  5. Come cook with us. Join the Oct. 23 Miami Food Day Cooking Class and/or the Dec. 4 Make & Take Healthy Cooking Class. Register in your Healthy Miami account or call 529-3492.
  6. Learn. Discover. Explore. Join the 2015 Hike-A-Thon Plus on Saturday, Sept. 26, to "Take a hike!" and enjoy Miami's Natural Areas.
  7. Be informed. Be engaged. Be ready. Visit the Benefits & Wellness fairs on Sept. 29 at Miami Regionals and Sept. 30 on the Oxford campus. Learn more about open enrollment and/or the Healthy Miami Premium Discount Program.
  8. Seasonal flu shots will be available at the Benefits & Wellness fairs on Sept. 29 and 30 and at the Miami Health Services Center beginning Oct. 1.
  9. The TriHealth Mobile Mammography unit will visit the Oxford campus Oct. 14 and Nov. 4 and 12.  
  10. Check out the new Benefits & Wellness calendar accessed from the Miami Event Calendar.
Thank you for being part of a supportive culture of health and well-being at Miami University.