
Sherry Schilling answers your questions about open enrollment

Sherry Schilling

Sherry Schilling

Sherry Schilling is interim director of Benefits & Wellness at Miami. She answers your questions about open enrollment.

Q. What is open enrollment?  
A. Open enrollment is the one time each year when you are allowed to make benefit plan changes. This year it runs Oct. 1–31, and changes are effective Jan. 1, 2016.

Q. Where do I find more information and the open enrollment system?
A. Open enrollment is in BannerWeb Employee Services Online. More information and a link to BannerWeb is found on the open enrollment website.

Q. Am I required to complete open enrollment if I'm not making any changes?  
A. If you do not complete open enrollment, your 2015 elections will roll to 2016 with the exception of your health savings account (HSA) and/or flexible spending account (FSA) election.  These elections must be made each year in open enrollment.

Q. What if I submit to open enrollment and then change my mind?
A. You can return to the BannerWeb open enrollment system at any time until 5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 31. When you return to the system, please note that you must hit the “Submit Open Enrollment” button in order for your changes to be recorded.

Q. Are there any plan or premium changes for 2016?  
A. There are very few changes to the benefit plan options (health, dental, vision, voluntary life). Details can be found on the open enrollment website. The premium schedule for the health plan is unchanged for 2016; premiums for the dental, vision and voluntary life plans are found on the website.  

Q. Do I need to complete the Spouse/Partner Certification if my spouse/SSDP's situation has not changed?
A. No, if your spouse/SSDP employment or health coverage availability has not changed since last year, you do not need to submit the form.

Q. If I am adding a dependent for the first time, when does my documentation need to be submitted?
A. If adding a dependent you have not covered in the past under health, dental or vision, you will need to submit documentation to Benefits & Wellness before the coverage effective date of Jan. 1, 2016. The list of acceptable documents is found on our website.

Q. When will I get my VSP card?
A. There is no VSP ID card. Your VSP provider just needs your name, social security number and date of birth to file the claim.  Visit to find a provider near you.

Q. What are the flexible spending account (FSA) annual limits for 2016?
A.    FSA – dependent care = $5,000: FSA – healthcare = $2,550

Q. What are the Health Savings Account (HSA) annual limits for 2016? (These limits include both the employer and employee contribution).
A.     HSA – single coverage = $3,350: HSA – family coverage = $6,750: HSA – age 55+ catchup = an additional $1,000

Q. Can I have a health savings account (HSA) and a healthcare flexible spending account (FSA)?
A. Yes, but the IRS limits the flexible spending account (FSA) to dental and vision expenses only. Please contact Benefits & Wellness at 529-3926 to discuss before you elect both the healthcare FSA and HSA.

Q. What is the difference between voluntary life and voluntary group accident insurance?
A. Voluntary life is coverage in addition to the basic life insurance that all benefit-eligible employees receive at no cost, which is 2x your annual salary. Both of these benefits are paid in the event of the death of the employee. Voluntary group accident insurance is in addition to the basic accidental death and dismemberment coverage you receive at no cost, which is 2x your annual salary. These benefits pay out in the event of an accidental death or dismemberment of the employee. More information on all these plans can be found on the Benefits & Wellness website.

Q. How do I change my beneficiary?
A. The beneficiary for your voluntary life or voluntary group accident coverage can be updated in open enrollment. To update your beneficiary for the basic life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance, please submit a Beneficiary Change Form found in the HR Forms Library.

Q. How do I elect more than one person as my beneficiary?
A. Name one person as the main beneficiary with the relationship of “group” in open enrollment. Do not list each individual beneficiary in the group separately. To list additional primary beneficiaries to be included in the “group,” or to list contingent beneficiaries, complete and submit a Beneficiary Change Form found in the HR Forms Library.

Q. How do I delete dependents or beneficiaries listed in open enrollment?
A. You cannot delete names of anyone who has ever been covered under health, dental or vision, even if no longer covered. This is the same for anyone ever named as a beneficiary. We must keep these listed for historical purposes.

Q. Whom do I contact if I have questions or need help?
A. Contact the Benefits & Wellness staff at or 529-3926. Walk-in help sessions are also available. The schedule is found on the open enrollment website. You can also view all the benefit summaries, plus links to all the open enrollment presentations.