
Quarterly web accessibility testing

By Cathy McVey, information technology services

Do you create, manage or post materials to a Miami website? Starting this summer, you may receive reports that are generated by a new automated web accessibility assessment tool.

Providing regular snapshots of all Miami websites, these reports are in direct alignment with Miami’s Code of Love and Honor and the mission statements of student disability services, and accessible technology services.  

Automated web accessibility testing tools are designed to scan a website searching for content that does not meet accessibility standards. An RFP has been issued and four vendors have presented their solutions. Led by Sean Poley, director of accessible technology, a group has been evaluating the choices and will make a recommendation soon.

Once a tool has been selected and approved, work will proceed quickly to enable it to function within the Miami technology environment.

This is not a “once and done” effort, though. As websites are constantly added and edited, compliance with accessibility standards needs to be regularly evaluated. The accessibility testing tool will conduct quarterly scans. With each scan, the tool will generate a report, identifying potential compliance issues. The accessibility technology staff will forward the report to the owner of the site and work with them to ensure that accessibility standards are maintained.

University (and IT) Spotlight on Accessible Technology

Identified by IT services as one of its Top 5 strategic projects, the newly formed accessible technology group has a significant slate of initiatives on their plate: some originating with long-standing continuous improvement goals within the university and some brought to greater urgency by the recent Department of Justice Consent Decree.

More information about Miami’s accessibility initiatives can be found at MiamiOH.EDU/AccessMU.